Dr. Rev. Caroline Njoki is the Chief Executive Officer at KIJO4 Group, a family-owned tax preparation company that has excellently served its clients in the USA, Asia, Europe, Islands, and parts of Africa for more than two decades. Dr. Njoki combines her vast experiences in business consulting, tax preparation, business coaching, and mentorship to simplify business practices to independent contractors, entrepreneurs, small, and mid, businesses and organizations to help them scale towards growth and success. This excellence earned KIJO4 Group the 2023 Comcast Rise Award, for its efforts to serve its clients and small businesses.

Growing up with parents in business, Dr Njoki combines decades of experience in business, tax preparation and a recent certification as a Business consulting Coach.

 Dr. Njoki has broadened her services to coach small businesses and help them navigate through the complexities of starting and maintaining successful businesses. “Hope and Excellence is what I bring to your table,” says Dr. Njoki, a single mother of 4 and a grandmother who in 2004 established and has successfully run and grown her own business as an immigrant in a new nation.

Dr Njoki is an author and loves to talk about money through money empowering videos: about money habits, money mindset and human relationship with money.

When she is not working on her business, Dr. Njoki enjoys podcasting, where she shares inspirational words about personal and spiritual development, spending time with her children, grandchildren or serving her community as a spiritual leader and philanthropist known for her remarkable community mobilization and problem-solving skills.

Dr Njoki is a mentor and mentors The Deborah’s a dynamic group of women in the USA and in Kenya where she encourages them to grow in faith and career, as they give back to the orphaned and abandoned children in Kenya.


